How to entry and fly VFR in Portugal 

Flying VFR into Portugal is easy and free.
All you need is a flight plan and some more items. 

Intra-community (EU, EEA and Switzerland) flights, excluding non-Schengen flights, inbound or outbound of aerodromes and ultralight runways, are not subject to authorization. 

The entry points in Lisboa FIR are described in the following chart in Portugal AIP:
Click ENR 6 – En-route Charts

The use of an 8.33 kHz Radio and a Transponder Mode C are mandatory.
ATC language: EN or PT only!
Free use of ULM airfields listed in VFR Manual. Observe PPR rules, if indicated.
Click Part 3, AD2 for aerodromes or AD4 for ULM airfields

In Portugal, ULM can fly into controlled airspace C class with a flight plan and use the general aviation aerodromes opened to ULM flights (see VFR Manual). Use of aerodromes Class IV, international airports, is not available. 

Mandatory documents: 

Valid ULM flight certificate or equivalent;
Valid Pilot license;
Insurance valid in PT;
Period of stay: max 90 days. For longer stays, a license from PT CAA “ANAC” is needed. 

Remember: to fly ULM in Spain you will need a permit, please see:ón-responsable-para-operar-en-españa-con-ulm-aeronaves